4 Top Questions That Could Pop in Your Mind Related To Vehicle Import Approval in Australia

Vehicles supplied or imported to Australia need to comply with Australian safety and environment standards and should have vehicle import approval in Australia. The vehicles also need to be fitted with identification plates so that the vehicles would have unique recognition numbers. Once you know that the vehicles need government approval.

The common questions that come to your mind are:
  • How much to ship a car from UK to Australia?
  • How long would it take?
  • Where do I start?
  • Which all departments are involved?
Answers to the above question are given below.

The cost to ship a car from UK to Australia would differ from car to car due to various reasons like make f the car, year of manufacture, original cost of the vehicle and other similar factors. The other costs for importing car are import duty and GST that are levied on your car. For vehicles that are more than thirty years old, import duty is zero while GST is ten percent. Vehicles which are less than thirty years old, import duty would be five percent while GST is ten percent. The percentage amount is calculated on Value of the taxable importation which is calculated as a sum of customs value, duty and shipping, and insurance costs of transporting your car to Australia. In few cases, Australian customs may charge additional charge which is known as ‘Luxury car tax’ for higher specification of valuation of vehicles.

Generally, the whole process takes fifteen to twenty working days from the date of application. You need to start from doing your research about the process and knowing about the documents required and if your vehicle is permitted in Australia or not.

A vehicle import approval from the Department of Home Affairs is needed for importing car to Australia. The other departments involved are the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities, Environment and Energy, Agriculture and Water Resource, Agriculture, and Road and Transport authorities.

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