cost to ship car to Australia
shipping your car to Australia
Information that You Need for Shipping Your Car to Australia
Are you thinking of shipping your car to Australia? , have multiple questions about the costing and other aspects of shipping or moving the vehicle to a new country? fret not, the answers are many as the services offered by experts are best in class.
Before indulging in such an area of operations, it is advised to know the cost to ship a car to Australia and other areas if needed. Before taking such steps, it's better if you understand the rules and criteria of importing your vehicle in your native country.
Importing a vehicle in this country is a multistep process. First, you need a Vehicle Import Approval (VIA) from the Australian Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development. After obtaining VIA, you need to ensure that your vehicle meets the given state’s vehicle standards. Overall you need to obtain important inspections and certifications to gain the state’s registration when your vehicle arrives.
You also need to pay customs duty, goods and service tax (GST) and Luxury Car Tax (LCT), if needed. You also required gaining customs control at the port of entry. Your vehicle also needs to clarify the quarantine clearance from the Department of Agriculture after its arrival in the port of the country.
To obtain your VIA, you are required to reside overseas for 12 months or more. In those 12 months, you do not compulsorily need to live in one single country but you are not mandatorily not lived in Australia in those 12 months. This time-period of 12 months is called the qualifying period.
You are must be planning to be a permanent Australian citizen and remain in the country indefinitely. The VIA will be granted to the people who hold the 457 and 410 visas as they are definitely present in Australia and able to present the proof of residence.
Once you got clarification as a resident of this country, you are able to import your vehicle from another country.
If you want to bring your vehicle or import your vehicle in the country, feel free to connect with the leading professional service in your city and areas nearby. You can get in touch through the contact details as provided on the official website.
You can also visit in person and have a face-to-face interview.
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